Marcin Świerczyński's blog

2010 summary and 2011 resolutions

posted 27 Mar 2023 in Personal

I’ve never done summary of the past year before. As well as I’ve never make huge resolutions for the upcoming year. But, come on, this year was so great it deserve this! We often forget about our past successes so I think that just thinking about them is a great way to start the New Year with good attitude. On the other hand, the next year resolutions list can be a guide for what to do in every single day to get closer to our aims. And, after all, I’ve never got a blog to post the summary ;)

So, first things first. This year was good, very good. What I’ve done?

  1. I’ve graduated from Polish-Japanese Institue of Information Technology with honours degree in Computer Science.
  2. I’ve found a new, great job that I really enjoy. It helps in my skills development and, what is the most important, I do what I love to do!
  3. I’ve learned quite many new technologies and programming languages: * Android SDK. The result is visible in Android Market and it’s called AutoResponder ;) * Python / Django * Objective C / iOS SDK * Groovy / Grails
  4. I’ve been on my first Java conference, GeeCON in Poznan.

What do I plan to do in 2011?

  1. First of all, as usual I want to improve my development/programming skills, especially in iOS, Android and Python. I also want to polish my “soft” development abilities. How to do that? More books, conferences, and, first of all, practice - both in work and in open-source projects.
  2. I want to learn Scala and Lift framework.
  3. There are other languages than programming ones, aren’t there? ;) I want to polish my English skills. This blog is one of the steps toward it. Moreover, I plan to start the new course on the beginning of the year.
  4. There is also one huge project I plan to start in 2011, but for now I can’t say much more.

That’s all for now. One year is quite a lot of time so I will probably add more items to the above list, if I only have enough time.

Happy New Year, Everone! :)

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